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Saint Paul College A Community & Technical College

​New To 残疾 Services

需要服务的残疾学生负责联系无障碍办公室 & 残疾 资源 to request 服务.

事先计划是确保你得到及时和适当服务的关键. During your initial meeting with the Director of 访问 & 残疾资源,你将讨论你的担忧和潜在的障碍,将需要解决.

根据联邦和州数据实践法,您的残疾信息将与您的学习记录分开保存. You are responsible for providing the Office of 访问 & 残疾资源与适当的文件,因为它涉及到你的残疾和你所要求的住宿.

mg电子试玩app不得将有残疾证明的合格个人与无残疾的个人区别对待,也不得制定对残疾个人有区别影响的政策. mg电子试玩app遵守州和联邦法律,为合格的残疾人士提供合理的便利,使他们能够有效地参与这些项目和服务. 合理的安排是为了“创造公平的竞争环境”,但不应降低标准或降低绩效期望.

Rights, Responsibilities and 宣传

Rights of the Student

Rights of the student include the right to:

  • Equal opportunity to learn, work and receive reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids and 服务
  • 访问 to 服务 that may be needed for equal access to courses, 项目, 服务, 工作, 活动, and facilities offered by the College
  • Be treated in the same manner as other students
  • 根据适用法律保护残疾信息的隐私
  • Report any grievances in a timely manner.
Responsibilities of the Student

The student has the responsibility to do the following

  • Provide appropriate documentation to the Office of 访问 & 从适当的专业人士处获得描述残疾性质的残疾资源, how it limits participation in courses/programs, and suggested academic accommodations
  • 请求 accommodations through the Office of 访问 & 在每个学期之前或需要住宿之前提交残疾资源
  • Notify the Office of 访问 & 残疾资源的任何更改注册时间表和/或需要的住宿
  • 及时负责地申请和使用批准的住宿
  • If necessary, provide attendant care for personal needs while on campus
  • Report any grievances in a timely manner
  • 满足与校园其他学生相同的基本学术要求
  • Follow the Saint Paul College Student Code of Conduct
  • Follow all program and Saint Paul College policies and procedures.
Responsibilities of the Office of 访问 & 残疾 资源

The Office of 访问 & 残疾 资源 has the responsibility to do the following:

  • 确定学生是否有资格获得合理的住宿和/或修改和/或其他支持服务
  • 维护由适当的专业人员提供的学生残疾证明文件. This is the required proof of eligibility
  • Respect individual confidentiality and maintain professional standards
  • 在教室和考试中提供最小的侵入性,适当的住宿
  • 协助学生获得特定的支持服务,如辅导和咨询
  • 尽快以书面形式通知教师必要的住宿和/或修改,并根据需要讨论住宿的实施
  • Provide support to the faculty member(s) for the directive
  • 向教职员工提供有关校园承诺的教育,以执行法律和政策,确保不歧视残疾人士.
Responsibilities of Faculty


  • 以公平、公正和及时的方式遵循规定的调整/修改
  • 维护学生关于残疾和任何住宿的隐私权
  • 在所有其他学生收到课程材料的同时,及时提供课程材料.

Self-advocacy is critical to success in higher Education
由于隐私法,学院和大学在招收残疾学生方面受到限制. You are responsible for requesting the 服务 you believe you need; the college or university generally does not provide accommodations unless or until you ask. The ability to advocate will benefit you in your life and 职业生涯.

Here are a few suggestions for self-advocacy:

  • Know yourself and your disability
    Before you can advocate for yourself, 你需要知道如何用别人能理解的方式谈论你的残疾.
  • Know your rights and responsibilities
    学院和大学不能仅仅因为你有残疾就把你拒之门外. 学院或大学必须提供服务,让你有平等的机会参加学校的活动.
  • Know where to go for help
    在大学取得成功的一个非常重要的部分是知道什么时候需要帮助以及在哪里可以找到帮助. 写下校园里可以帮助你的人的名字和电话号码, including staff at the Office of 残疾 Services, is a good idea.
  • 采取行动
    Develop a plan for communicating your needs. While the Office of 残疾 Services can assist you, developing your own communication skills may be very helpful. Consider practicing before talking with your instructors. 你可以练习向辅导员或值得信赖的朋友解释你认为自己需要的住宿条件.

For more information regarding 访问 & mg电子试玩app的残疾资源,请联系无障碍和残疾资源 or 651.350.3008.

One Click Away From Your Future
访问 应用 请求的信息